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Float-a-thon 2024 – Raising Funds For Edmarc
The 2024 Float-a-thon benefactor is Edmarc, Inc. Edmarc provides family-centered home health and hospice for children with life-threatening illnesses through nursing, social, bereavement, and volunteer support. Our goal is to ease the gravity of pediatric illness and death and provide care for the patient and family as a whole. Families never receive a bi [...]
Tiny Tigers Field Day
Chesapeake Kiwanis provided volunteers to support Portlock Primary Tiny Tigers with their Field Day. I was a pleasure to support Coach Hunt and visit with teaching staff during activities.Thank You Furman, Whit, Keith, Teresa, and Mike. I was too busy to get many pictures. Portlock Primary PTA It's our favorite time of the year- Key Club Scholarship day! Congrats to all and well deserved! Good luck next year! #kiwanisclubofchesapeake#KidsNeedKiwanis June 5th, 2025. This morning at Pops Dinner the Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake recognized two outstanding Key Club Seniors by awarding a $1000 Scholarship. [...]
44th Annual Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake Shrimp Feast
May 16th, 2024 our club hosted the 44th annual Shrimp and it was a great success. Thank you to all of our sponsors, attendees and volunteers. The 2024 Float-a-thon benefactor is Edmarc, Inc. Edmarc provides family-centered home health and hospice for children with life-threatening illnesses through nursing, social, bereavement, and volunteer support. Our goal is to ease the gravity of pediatric illness and death and provide care for the patient and family as a whole. Families never receive a bi [...]
2018 Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Dinner Prim Rib Cook
Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake cooked the prime rib for the Knights of Columbus Valentine’s dinner dance at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. [...]
Greenbrier Summer Concert Series with The DeLoreans
Kiwains Club of Chesapeake served at the Town Place at Greenbrier Night Summer Concert Series featuring The DeLoreans. We also celebrated Berkely's birthday! [...]
2018 Officers Installed
Chesapeake Kiwanis officers have been installed for 2018. From left to right: Stephanie Welke, Kim Henderson, Courtney Stutzman, and Mike Amos. Thank you for your service! [...]
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