2018 Pork Butt Sale
The Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake Butt Sale is October 20, 2018! Pick up is from 4 PM to 6 PM at the Chesapeake Firefighter Union Hall, 120 Kempsville Rd (behind water tower). To order call or text Robbie Warren at 757-472-2990 or George Spence at 757-376-5984.
Shredded and sauced BBQ will be available 2 lbs for $20 or 5 lbs for $40. We only take pre-orders and have very little to sell at the event. Get your order in now! There is limited availability. We take cash or check (made out to Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake) or pay online with a credit card at Innovative Ticketing.